Items in this section:
COMPLETED Courses: |
COMPLETED : The Method of Moments: From Basics to Large-Scale Applications
The aim of the School was to provide attendees with a working knowledge of MoM, and enough information to understand the basics of its recent extensions to large-scale problems. It is stressed that lectures will focus on teaching fundamentals, and will not be a conference-style presentation of the latest research achievements.
COMPLETED : High Frequency methods and traveling wave antennas
This course cover two topics of about 10 hours of lectures each plus exercises, all concentrated in a week. The first part cover the basic issue concerning with the fundamentals of high-frequency techniques; the second part is concerned with travelling wave antennas and basic leaky wave phenomena. Responsibles:
S. Maci - ; F. Frezza -;
COMPLETED : Phased arrays and reflectarrays
The course, which will be given by speakers belonging to key players in this field both in the industrial and academic environment, will be articulated over five days. The first three days of lectures will be concerned about phased array, and the next two about reflectarrays.
COMPLETED : Artificial EBG surfaces and metamaterials for antennas
Artificial EBG surfaces and metamaterials for antennas
In recent years there has been a lot of attention to using periodic structures in antenna design. These structures are nowadays referred to as photonic or electromagnetic bandgap structures or simply by their acronyms PBG or EBG structures.
COMPLETED : Design and analysis of large reflector antennas and lens antennas
The course will cover the analysis and the design of large reflector antennas, dielectric lens antennas and high-frequency methods applied to large reflector antenna problems
COMPLETED : Microwave and millimeter wave antenna design
The course is divided into two main parts. The first one is devoted to the general description and design of microstrip antennas used in microwave and millimeter wave bands. The second part addresses more specifically the millimeter wave antennas and their design.
COMPLETED : Antenna measurements at submm-wavelengths
This short course discusses the techniques and limitations of the various test methods, and introduces the participants to the hologram-based CATR and near-field scanning also by laboratory demonstrations/exercises.
COMPLETED : Compact antennas
The course deals with the modeling and design principles of small antennas for communications in mobile environments with emphasis on wideband, multiband and multi-element antenna geometries. The course includes the theoretical background, design principles, implementation aspects and measurement methods.
COMPLETED : Antenna measurements
The course introduces to the problematic of antenna measurement. It describes several antenna measurement systems like open fields and anechoic chambers with: spherical (including Fresnel zone), cylindrical and planar near field measurements and compact range systems.
COMPLETED : MIMO Communication systems and antennas
This course deals with MIMO communication systems in terms of signal processing and resource allocation and antennas for such systems, in particular small antennas for MIMO terminals. The course will feature lectures as well as computer exercises and real-world hands-on laboratories.
COMPLETED : Antennas for new systems of mobile communications
The course will provide an overview on: GSM, UMTS, WLAN, WI-max Systems; Antennas for Base Stations; Antennas for user terminals.
COMPLETED : Computational EM for antenna analysis
The course introduces to the computational EM for antennas analysis, and presents some advanced techniques for explicit use in antenna analysis. It includes a review of MoM fundamentals, higher order basis function methods, high-density mesh problems, fast methods, Multi-resolution methods.
COMPLETED : Analysis of planar and conformal antennas
This course will first cover the theoretical aspect of the analysis and design of planar and conformal antennas. The first half of the course will cover moment method analysis of microstrip patch antennas on planar grounded substrates. The second half will cover analysis methods for antennas embedded in multilayer structures of planar, circular cylindrical and spherical types. Responsibles:
J. Mosig - ;
P-S Kildal -
COMPLETED : Antennas for Space Applications
The aim of the course is to give an overview of design approaches, constraints and technical solutions for Space Antennas, addressing both theoretical and technological issues. The course will focus on main space applications such as telecommunication, earth observation and science but will also address other uses of antennas for space. The lectures will cover radiofrequency, mechanical and thermal design, material technology and test aspects, ending with a visit to ESTEC satellite and antenna test facilities.
COMPLETED : Ultra Wideband Antennas
The topics adressed are Ultrawideband (UWB) system aspects with a special focus on ultra wideband antennas. This includes the characterization and the design of a large variety of UWB antennas. The course embeds the antennas in state of the art UWB systems for communication applications including transmitter and receiver structures as well as radar sensors and systems.